TR1. 687 "Ǎnd wíttěth wél thǎt bóthě twó běn vícěs: TR1. 688 Mǐstrústěn álle, ǒr éllěs állě lévě. TR1. 689 Bǔt wél Ǐ wóot, thě méne ǒf ít nǒ více ǐs, TR1. 690 Fór tǒ trústěn sóm wǐght ís ǎ prévě TR1. 691 Ǒf tróuth; ǎnd fórthǐ wólde Ǐ fáyn rěmévě TR1. 692 Thǐ wróng cǒnséyte, ǎnd dó thě sóm wy̌ght trístě TR1. 693 Thǐ wó tǒ télle; ǎnd tél mě, íf thě lístě.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translations (Windeatt: 1998): ‘And do understand that both things are faults: either to mistrust everyone or else believe everyone. But I know very well that the mean between these two extremes is not a fault, for to trust someone is a proof of loyalty, and therefore I would gladly remove your wrong opinion, and make you trust someone enough to tell him your sorrow. Do tell me, if you will.
- Japanese translations (Sasamoto: 2012): そして次の両者とも誤りであることをよく御承知おきください、すなわち、誰も信じないことも、また誰でも信用することもです。でも、私はよく分かっております、その中庸は誤りでないことを。ある人を信じることは誠実の証ですから。ですから、私は喜んで若君の間違った考えを取り払って、若君に、ある人を信じて悲しみを打ち明けるようにして差し上げたいのです。そこでもしお望みなら私にお話ください。
- Chinese translations (Fang: 1956): “要知道,怀疑一切与信任一切是同样的错误;能得乎其中方为正道,原来相信一个人也正可证实他是否忠诚,因此我愿纠正你的错想,劝你把你的愁苦交讬出来;你若愿意,不妨直告我。
Word Information
- Etymology: OE&ON
- Addresser: Pandarus
- Addressee: Troilus
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: judgement or decision (conseyte)
- Attributive/ Predicative: attributive
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: Not quoted
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 33): wrong conseyte: misconception
- Fisher (1989): N/A
- Benson (1987): N/A
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975): N/A
- Baugh (1963): N/A
Possible Definitions
Comments from the Editor
In this stanza, Pandarus utilizes the persuasive tactic of quoting proverbs and old examples to encourage Troilus to reveal the identity of the person he loves. Additionally, Pandarus emphasizes his own loyalty and truthfulness, highlighting his trustworthiness and commitment to Troilus’ best interests.