ded adj.

TR1.799 “Whăt máy shĕ démĕn óothĕr óf thy̆ déeth,
TR1.800 Ĭf thów thŭs déye, ănd shé nŏt whý ĭt ís,
TR1.801 Bŭt thát fŏr féere ĭs yóldĕn úp thy̆ bréth,
TR1.802 Fŏr Grékĕs hán bĭségĕd ús, ĭwýs?
TR1.803 Lŏrd, whích ă thónk thăn sháltŏw hán ŏf thís!
TR1.804 Thŭs wól shĕ séyn, ănd ál thĕ tówn ăttónĕs,
TR1.805 ‘Thĕ wrécche ĭs déd, thĕ dévĕl háve hĭs bónĕs!’

Line Information

  • Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
  • English translation (Windeatt: 1998) (Windeatt: 1998): What else can she think about your death—if you die like this, and she doesn’t know why it is—but that you’ve given up the ghost out of fear, because the Greeks are besieging us? Lord, what sort of thanks will you then get for that! This is what she’ll say, and so will the whole town at the same time: “The wretch is dead—the devil have his bones!”
  • Japanese translation (Sasamoto: 2012) (Sasamoto: 2012): たとえ若君がこのようにして亡くなられようと、そのお方は、若君の死について、それがなぜなのか分からず、きっと、ギリシャ人が攻めてきたので、怖くなって、息絶えたと思う以外、どうして想像できましょうか。ああ、その時若君はそのためにどんな感謝を受けることか!そのお方はこのように、さらに町の人も皆にすぐに言うでしょう。『あの情けないお方は亡くなった、悪魔にお骨を貰われるがよい!』
  • Chinese translation (Fang: 1956) (Fang: 1956): “即使你就此死去,她又怎能知道你是为何而死的,可能还以为你怕希腊人的围攻因而吓死了?天呀,这样的话,你就真值得受人的爱戴呢!‘死去了一条糊涂虫,’她将说,而全城的人士也会跟着说道,‘让魔鬼去收拾他的残骨吧!’

Word Information

  • Etymology: OE
  • Addresser: Pandarus
  • Addressee: Troilus
  • Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
  • Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A
  • Noun(s) (NPs) modified: human beings (male: Troilus)
  • Attributive/ Predicative: predicative

Information in Previous Studies

  • OED: Not quoted
  • MED: Not quoted
  • Commented in other previous works:
  • Windeatt (2003): N/A
  • Fisher (1989): N/A
  • Benson (1987): N/A
  • Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
  • Donaldson (1975): N/A
  • Baugh (1963): N/A

Possible Definitions

dead, no longer alive

Comments from the Editor

Pandarus tries to persuade Troilus to confess the name of the one he loves. His encouragement lasts from the moment he visits Troilus (1.547) until Troilus utters Criseyde’s name (1.875). Although Troilus claims that he must die and refuses to confess the name, Pandarus asserts that Troilus will be laughed at if he dies like that.