TR4.113 “Ŏn pérĭl óf my̆ líf, Ĭ shál năt lýĕ; TR4.114 Ăppóllŏ háth mĕ tóld ĭt féithfŭllý; TR4.115 Ĭ háve ĕk fóunde ĭt bé ăstrónŏmýĕ, TR4.116 By̆ sórt, ănd bý ăugúry̆e ek, tréwĕlý, TR4.117 Ănd dár wĕl sáy, thĕ týme ĭs fástĕ bý TR4.118 Thăt fíre ănd fláumbe ŏn ál thĕ tówn shăl sprédĕ, TR4.119 Ănd thús shăl Tróiĕ tórnĕ to ásshĕn dédĕ.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translation (Windeatt: 1998) (Windeatt: 1998): On peril of my life, I shall not lie: Apollo has told me this faithfully. I have also discovered it by astrology, through casting of lots, and through augury as well, truly, and dare well say the time is close at hand when fire and flame shall spread through the whole city, and so Troy shall turn to lifeless ashes.
- Japanese translation (Sasamoto: 2012) (Sasamoto: 2012): 命を賭して誓いますが、私は嘘をついておりません。アポロンは私に嘘偽りなく次のことを告げてくださいました。私は、星占いや、くじ占いや、鳥占いによってでも、それが分かったのです、本当です。おそらく、火と炎が全市に広がって、かくしてトロイアは死灰に変わるでありましょうが、その時が迫っております。
- Chinese translation (Fang: 1956) (Fang: 1956): 我决不撒谎,否则我性命不保,阿波罗已真诚地启示给我;我自己也曾观察天象,并曾推算占卜,我敢说,那个时辰即可来临,其时特罗亚将迷漫着火焰,全城将化为灰烬。
Word Information
- Etymology: OE
- Addresser: Calchas
- Addressee: people in the Greek council
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: town as opposed to country (the city of Troy)
- Attributive/ Predicative: predicative
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: (Quoted) 4. (c) not burning, extinguished; ~ cole; (s.v. dēd, adj.)
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 204): asshen dede: lifeless ashes
- Fisher (1989: 479): asshen dede: dead ashes
- Benson (1987): N/A
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975: 879): dede: dead
- Baugh (1963): N/A
Possible Definitions
not burning, extinguished
Comments from the Editor
Calchas emphasizes Troy’s doom and asks the council to put his daughter on the exchange list. His speech is persuasive because he is an accomplished magician and qualified astrologer.