TR1.99 Crĭséydĕ wás thĭs lády̆ náme ăl ríght. TR1.100 Ăs tó my̆ dóom, ĭn ál Trŏíes cĭté TR1.101 Năs nón sŏ fáir, fŏrpássy̆nge évery̆ wíght, TR1.102 Sŏ áungĕlík wăs hír nătíf bĕauté, TR1.103 Thăt lík ă thíng ĭnmórtăl sémĕd shé, TR1.104 Ăs dóth ăn hévĕnýssh pĕrfít crĕatúrĕ, TR1.105 Thăt dówn wĕre sént ĭn scórny̆nge óf nătúrĕ.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translation (Windeatt: 1998): Criseyde was this lady’s name, indeed. In my opinion there was none so beautiful in the whole city of Troy, for, so angelic and surpassing all others was her innate beauty, that she seemed like something immortal, as does a heavenly, perfect creature, sent down to earth to put nature to scorn.
- Japanese translation (Sasamoto: 2012): この貴婦人の名は、正しくはクリセイデと呼ばれた。私の意見を述べれば、トロイアの町中でこれほど美しい女性は見当たらなかった。誰をも凌ぎ、彼女の生まれつきの美しさはまるで天使みたいだった。そのために<自然の女神>を軽蔑すべく送られてきた天上の完璧なお方の如く、永遠不滅の人のように見えた。
- Chinese translation (Fang: 1956): 这女子名叫克丽西德;我确信,凭你走遍特洛亚城也找不出她那样一副美貌,她生就了天仙般出众的丽质,不像是这下界的凡生,俨然天上一座完美的艺品,下降人世来揶揄万物。
Word Information
- Etymology: OF
- Addresser: Narrator
- Addressee: N/A
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): angelica (see 1.11, 4)
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: human beings (female: Criseyde’s beauty, Criseyde)
- Attributive/ Predicative: predicative
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: (Quoted) A.adj.11. Resembling, characteristic of, or befitting an angel; like that of an angel; esp. beautiful, sweetly innocent, or morally good. (s.v. angelic, adj.1 and n.)
- MED: (Quoted) 1. (a) Resembling an angel, befitting an angel, angelic; (b) belonging or pertaining to the angels; (c) consisting of angels; (s.v. a(u)nǧelīk, adj.)
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 7): aungelik: angelic
- Fisher (1989): N/A
- Benson (1987): N/A
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975): N/A
- Baugh (1963): N/A
Possible Definitions
resembling, characteristic of, or befitting an angel, angelic
Comments from the Editor
Calchas the soothsayer betrays Troy and relegates his daughter, Criseyde, to a life of suffering. The above quotation follows Fil.1.11 closely and is the first description of Criseyde in the narrative.