TR3.715 “Ănd íf ĭch hádde, Ŏ Vénŭs fúl ŏf mýrthĕ, TR3.716 Ăspéctĕs bádde ŏf Márs ŏr óf Sătúrnĕ, TR3.717 Ŏr thów cŏmbúst ŏr lét wĕre ín my̆ bírthĕ, TR3.718 Thy̆ fádĕr préy ăl thílkĕ hárm dĭstúrnĕ TR3.719 Ŏf gráce, ănd thát Ĭ glád ăyéin măy túrnĕ, TR3.720 Fŏr lóve ŏf hým thŏw lóvedĕst ín thĕ sháwĕ -- TR3.721 Ĭ méene Ădóun, thăt wíth thĕ bóor wăs sláwĕ.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translation (Windeatt: 1998): O joyful Venus, if at the time of my birth I was subject to evil influences from the planets Mars and Saturn, or if your influence were then rendered powerless by the sun, or otherwise hindered, pray to your father, of his grace, to deflect any harmful influences, so that I may be happy again, for love of him you loved in the woods — I mean Adonis, who was slain by the boar!
- Japanese translation (Sasamoto: 2012): そして、ああ喜び一杯のウェヌス(金星)よ、おれが誕生の時に火星か土星の凶相により悪影響を蒙っていたら、あるいは貴女の光が薄められるか力が妨げられるなら、貴女の父君の御恵みによりその有害な影響を退けて、おれが再び喜び幸せになれるようにと、父君にお願いしてください。貴女が森の中で愛した人の愛にかけて、つまり猪に殺されたアドーニスの愛にかけてお願いします。
- Chinese translation (Fang: 1956): 啊,欢乐的维娜丝,假如我生来就带有马尔斯或萨顿的恶性,或在我出生的当儿,你恰巧被日光制住,未能有所伸展,愿你向穹父求恩,为我消灾,让我重入幸福之途,看阿敦尼斯面上,我曾在丛林中和他幽会,而他却不幸被雄猪摧害了。
Word Information
- Etymology: uncertain
- Addresser: Troilus
- Addressee: N/A
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: position of planet (aspects (planetary influences) of Mars or Saturn)
- Attributive/ Predicative: predicative
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: (Quoted) 4. (b) unfavorable (aspect). (s.v. badde, adj.)
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 152): (716-718): (In my horoscope) at the time of my birth, unfavourable dispositions of the planets Mars or Saturn, or your influence was obscured (i.e. burned up, by proximity to the sun) or hindered, pray your father (Jupiter) to turn aside all that harmful influence
- Fisher (1989: 464): Aspectes badde … Mars … Saturne: bad horoscopes; Mars and Saturn were planets detrimental to love, as Venus and Jupiter were beneficial
- Benson (1987: 523): (715-718): If at the time of my birth I was subject to the evil influences (Aspectes badde) of the planets Mars and Saturn or if you, mirthful Venus, were rendered powerless by the sun (combust) or otherwise prevented (let) from providing a benign influence at my birth, pray to your father (Jupiter) to turn aside (disturne) the harmful influences. In the following stanzas the other four of the seven planets — Jupiter (Jove), [t]he sun (Phebus), Mercury, and the moon (Diane) — are invoked.
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975): N/A
- Baugh (1963: 137): Aspectes badde: Mars and Saturn in certain relative positions were baleful planets
Possible Definitions
unfavourable, wicked
Comments from the Editor
In this narrative, the goddess Venus is delightful to Troilus, who prays to her in various scenes, each time full of hope. He first appeals to her near the end of Book I when Pandarus promises to help him. However, Troiolo does not pray to Venus in a similar scene in the Italian source (Fil.2.29). Troilus prays again to Venus, full of hope and happiness, after hearing that Pandarus has succeeded in winning Criseyde’s love for him. Troiolo also prays to Venus in the counterpart of this scene in Fil.2.80, 7–8. Later, Troilus prays to various gods, especially Venus (3.705, 712, 715, 1255, 1257), before and during the consummation of his love (3.705–35; 1254–74). Chaucer adds all the repeated references to Venus, increasing her significance as a goddess of bliss for Troilus in Tr in comparison to the source text, Fil.