TR1.85 Grĕt rúmŏur gán, whăn ít wăs fírst ăspíĕd TR1.86 Thŏrŭgh ál thĕ tówn, ănd génerălý wăs spókĕn, TR1.87 Thăt Cálkăs tráitŏur fléd wăs ánd ăllíĕd TR1.88 Wĭth hém ŏf Gréce, ănd cástĕn tó bĕ wrókĕn TR1.89 Ŏn hým thăt fálsly̆ hádde hĭs féith sŏ brókĕn, TR1.90 Ănd séydĕn hé ănd ál hĭs kýn ăt-ónĕs TR1.91 Bĕn wórthĭ fór tŏ brénnĕn, fél ănd bónĕs.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translations (Windeatt: 1998): A clamour arose throughout the town when this was first discovered, and it was said everywhere that Calchas had fled like a traitor and allied himself with the Greeks, and they determined to be avenged on him, who had so treacherously broken faith, and said he and all his family deserved to be burned at once, skin and bones!
- Japanese translations (Sasamoto: 2012): 裏切り者カルカスが逃亡して、ギリシャ側に加わったことが、初めてトロイアの町中に知らされ、知れ渡ると、大騒ぎが起こった。皆は、不実にも忠誠を破ったカルカスに復讐すべきだと考え、カルカスと親族を、皮膚から骨の髄まですべて即座に焼いてしかるべきだと言い合った。
- Chinese translations (Fang: 1956): 这事一经发觉,城中大哗,到处谈论着说,国贼卡尔卡斯忽而脱逃,勾结敌人去了;人人想对付这个违反忠誓的败类;认为他和他的亲族都该治罪伏法,应把他们连皮带骨付诸火焚。
Word Information
- Etymology: OE
- Addresser: Narrator
- Addressee: N/A
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): 1.10
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: rumour (rumour)
- Attributive/ Predicative: attributive
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: (Quoted) 7. (b) of a movement or activity: frequent, energetic, busy, very much of (the activity named); a ful ~ pas, very quickly; (s.v. grēt, adj. & adv. & n.)
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003): N/A
- Fisher (1989): N/A
- Benson (1987): N/A
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975): N/A
- Baugh (1963): N/A
Possible Definitions
frequent, energetic, violent, strong
Comments from the Editor
This stanza differs from its Italian source (Fil.10). In the source, the narrator only mentions that people want to burn Calchas’ house, but in this stanza, the narrator asserts that Calchas’ entire family deserve to be burned at once. Accordingly, Chaucer stresses that Criseyde is a victim.