TR4.1128 Sóth ǐs, thǎt whán thěy gónněn fírst tǒ métě, TR4.1129 Sǒ gán thě péyne hǐre hértěs fór tǒ twístě TR4.1130 Thǎt néythěr óf hěm óthěr mýghtě grétě, TR4.1131 Bǔt hém ǐn árměs tóke, ǎnd áftěr kístě. TR4.1132 Thě lássě wófǔl óf hěm bóthě nýstě TR4.1133 Whěr thát hě wás, ně mýghte ǒ wórd ǒut brýngě, TR4.1134 Ǎs Í sěyde érst, fǒr wó ǎnd fór sǒbbýngě.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translations (Windeatt: 1998): The truth is that, when they first met, the pain so wrung their hearts that neither of them could greet the other, but they embraced each other, and afterwards kissed. Even the one who was less sorrowful scarcely knew their whereabouts, nor could get a word out, as I said before, because of unhappiness and because of sobbing.
- Japanese translations (Sasamoto: 2012): 実はこうである、二人はまず顔を合わせるや、二人の心はあまりの苦しみに悶え出し、どちらも相手に挨拶することができず、お互い抱きあって、その後キスをするばかりだった。二人のうちで悲しみが少ない方でさえ、自分の立場がよく分からず、悲しみとすすり泣きのせいでさきほど言ったように、一言も言い出せなかった。
- Chinese translations (Fang: 1956): 的确,他俩才会面之时,满心充塞着悲哀,彼此没有招呼,只是抱着亲吻。即使两人中间有一人愁虑较轻的话,也一样不知身在何处,也一样说不出一句话,悲泣占领了一切。
Word Information
- Etymology: OE
- Addresser: Narrator
- Addressee: N/A
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A (but see 4.114–5)
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: suffering, sorrow or grief
- Attributive/ Predicative: attributive
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: Not quoted
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 244): The lasse woful of hem bothe nyste: Even the less unhappy one of the pair did not know
- Fisher (1989: 494): lasse: less
- Benson (1987): N/A
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975: 914): lasse: less
- Baugh (1963): N/A
Possible Definitions
less intense, weaker
Comments from the Editor
Chaucer’s Troilus goes to Criseyde’s place for their first meeting after the parliament’s decision, while in Filostrato, Criseida goes to meet Troiolo. In both instances, the two lovers are overwhelmed with emotion and find it difficult to speak, instead expressing their emotions through tears.