TR3. 659 "Ǎnd nécě, wóot yě whér Ǐ wól yǒw léyě, TR3. 660 Fǒr thát wě shúl nǎt líggěn fár ǎsónděr, TR3. 661 Ǎnd fór yě néithěr shúllěn, dár Ǐ séyě, TR3. 662 Hérěn nóyse ǒf réyněs nór ǒf thónděr? TR3. 663 By̌ Gód, rǐght ín my̌ lítěl clósět yónděr. TR3. 664 Ǎnd Í wǒl ín thǎt óutěr hóus ǎllóně TR3. 665 Bě wárděin óf yǒure wómměn éverǐchóně.
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translations (Windeatt: 1998): And niece, do you know where I’ll have you sleep, so that we shan’t be far apart and so that, I dare say, you won’t hear any noise of rain or thunder either? By God, in my little room right over there. And in that outer room I alone will be guardian of all your women.
- Japanese translations (Sasamoto: 2012): 姪よ、お前にどこで寝てもらおうとしているか分かるかね。われわれはあまりに離れ離れになるべきではないし、また、おそらく、雨の音も雷の音もどちらも耳についてもらっては困るだろうし。絶対に、あそこの私の小部屋で寝てもらうよ。私はあの(ホールの)外隣の部屋にただ独り寝てお前の侍女たち皆を見張るつもりだ。
- Chinese translations (Fang: 1956): 甥女,你知道我将安置你在哪里?在我那间小的内室里睡,听不见雷雨。我就独自在那间套屋里看护着你们。
Word Information
- Etymology: OE
- Addresser: Pandarus
- Addressee: Criseyde
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: parts of building (closet)
- Attributive/ Predicative: attributive
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: Not quoted
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003): N/A
- Fisher (1989): N/A
- Benson (1987): N/A
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975): N/A
- Baugh (1963): N/A
Possible Definitions
small, not spacious
Comments from the Editor
According to Windeatt’s explanation (1998: 170), “my litel closet” refers to a small room “adjoining, at the dais end, the hall where they have been dining; a curtain will be drawn across the hall, forming for her women a ‘middle’ chamber nearest the room where she is to sleep, and an outer room where Pandarus is to sleep. How Pandarus moves through the house, the location of Troilus’ hiding-place, and if or when Pandarus leaves Criseyde’s room, remain unexplained”.