TR2. 99 Wǐth thát thěi gónněn láughe, ǎnd thó shě séydě, TR2. 100 "Thǐs rómǎunce ís ǒf Théběs thát wě rédě; TR2. 101 Ǎnd wé hǎn hérd hǒw thát ky̌ng Láyǔs déydě TR2. 102 Thǒrǔgh Édǐppús hǐs sóne, ǎnd ál thǎt dédě; TR2. 103 Ǎnd hére wě stýntěn át thǐse léttrěs rédě -- TR2. 104 Hów thě bísshǒp, ás thě bóok kǎn téllě, TR2. 105 Ǎmphíǒráx, fǐl thǒrúgh thě gróund tǒ héllě."
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translations (Windeatt: 1998):
- With that they laughed, and then she said:
- ‘This romance that we’re reading is about Thebes, and we’ve heard how King Laius died through his son Oedipus, and that whole affair; and we’ve stopped here at this rubric—how Bishop Amphiaraus, as the book describes, sank through the ground into hell!’
- Japanese translations (Sasamoto: 2012): そう言うと皆はどっと笑い、それから彼女は言った。わたしたちが読んでいるこの物語はテーバイのことよ。その王ライオスが息子オイデイプスによって殺されたことと、その行動をすべて聴いたの、そしてこの赤い文字の題名で止まったところなのよ。この章は、この本の記述するところによると、アムピアラーオス司教の地獄堕ちが書いてあるのよ。
- Chinese translations (Fang: 1956): 说着,大家笑了一顿,她又道,“我们念的是希白斯的故事;已听到了莱蔼斯王被他的儿子蔼狄波斯杀死,以及其他有关情节;我们刚读到这些红字为止,书上正在讲恩菲奥拉司主教跌进地面,翻进了地狱的一段。“
Word Information
- Etymology: OE
- Addresser: Criseyde
- Addressee: Pandarus
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: written character (letters)
- Attributive/ Predicative: predicative
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: 2. (c) of a letter or figure: written or drawn in red; ~ lettre, lettre ~, a rubricated letter, passage, or heading; a letter or letters written in red (s.v. rēd, adj.)
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 55): rede: rubrics
- Fisher (1989: 421): letters rede: red letters (rubrics) indicating a section break
- Benson (1987: 490): lettres rede: rubrics (here probably a book or chapter heading)
- Davis et al. (1979): Not quoted
- Donaldson (1975: 753): lettres rede: red letters, indicating a new chapter
- Baugh (1963: 101): lettres rede: rubric, evidently summarizing the next section
Possible Definitions
lettres ~: rubrics
Comments from the Editor
“Lettres rede” refers to the rubrics or headings at the beginning of a chapter or section in a poem. Regarding the specific episodes mentioned in this stanza, please refer to Root (1926: 438-39).