TR2. 757 "Whǎt shál Ǐ dóon? Tǒ whát fy̌n lýve Ǐ thús? TR2. 758 Shǎl Í nǎt lóve, ǐn cás ǐf thát mě léstě? TR2. 759 Whǎt, párdǐeux! Í ǎm náught rělígǐóus. TR2. 760 Ǎnd thóugh thǎt Í my̌n hértě sétte ǎt réstě TR2. 761 Ǔpón thǐs knýght, thǎt ís thě wórthǐéstě, TR2. 762 Ǎnd képe ǎlwéy my̌n hónǒur ánd my̌ námě, TR2. 763 By̌ állě ríght, ǐt máy dǒ mé nǒ shámě."
Line Information
- Differences among the manuscripts and editions:
- English translations (Windeatt: 1998): What shall I do? What point is there in living like this? Can’t I love, if I want to? What! By God, I’m not a nun! And though I settle my affections on this knight, who is the most deserving of men, and always keep my honour and my good name safe, it can’t by rights bring any disgrace upon me.’
- Japanese translations (Sasamoto: 2012): どうしたらいいの。どんな目的でこうして暮らしているのかしら。たとえその気になっても、わたしは恋をしてはいけないのかしら。えー、何ですって!だってわたしは修道女じゃないわ。この上なく立派であられる、この騎士様に、じっと心を注いでも、正当に振舞って体面と評判を保っていれば、恥ずかしいことをしているのでないと思うわ。」
- Chinese translations (Fang: 1956): 我应怎样呢?我活着为的是什么?我愿意爱,难道还不应该爱吗?什么,我又不是个出家人!就把我的心交给这位最可尊敬的武士,只要我能自重,也不是什么耻辱。”
Word Information
- Etymology: OF&L
- Addresser: Criseyde
- Addressee: N/A
- Adjectives with which juxtaposed: N/A
- Counterpart in its source (Fil): N/A (but see 2.69)
- Noun(s) (NPs) modified: human beings (female: Criseyde, not religious)
- Attributive/ Predicative: predicative
Information in Previous Studies
- OED: Not quoted
- MED: 2. (b) of pagans: devout, pious, holy; also, monotheistic [quot.: c1384]; also, dedicated to a god or goddess (s.v. reliǧiǒus, adj.)
- Commented in other previous works:
- Windeatt (2003: 82): religious: a nun
- Fisher (1989: 431): religious: a nun
- Benson (1987: 499): religious: a nun
- Davis et al. (1979): in a religious order (s.v. religious, adj.)
- Donaldson (1975: 776): religious: i.e., a nun
- Baugh (1963: 110): religious: a nun (so to speak) Po
Possible Definitions
in a monastic order
Comments from the Editor
As to a more confident Criseyde in this scene, see my comment of ‘fair’ (adj., Tr2.746).